
Edgar Allan Poe's Landscape at Arnheim as a Model for the Surrealist Garden

  • chiaroscuro-- However, the main idea of chiaroscuro

is the frame-inside-the frame, where the processes of observation and representation are included,

as a part of the representation. In the “frontal” version, the scene is placed within a frame

shown as a part of the scene: a window, door, or portal. In an “oblique” variation, the spectator is

placed to the side of a process of observation, able to take in both the observer and observed as well

as the device or method that connects them.

  • cipher/cryptography-- Poe loved ciphers, is he challenging us?

  • Rercursion-- Mobius-band, Self-refrence

  • metonymies-- the substitution of the name of an attribute or adjunct for that of the thing meant, for example suit for business executive, or the track for horse racing


  • "Poe was popularized in France by Charles Baudelaire and Stephane Mallarmé"

  • diachronic/synchronic
  • de Stael
  • Raymond Roussel Locus Solus
  • Surreal: Death, ciphers, descents, optics, and the blurring of the lines between subjectivity and objectivity — this is the Poe-tic uncanny, the esthetic forerunner of the Surreal.

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